The University of Warsaw has been ranked 123rd in a raking featuring 172 the most international universities in the world in 2021. The ranking was compiled using data from the Times Higher World University Rankings.
The international student score, international staff score, international co-authorship score and international reputation metrics, collected for the THE World University Rankings 2021, have been taken into account in the ranking. As the authors of the ranking stress, all institutions have a high proportion of international students and staff, conduct research projects with scholars from across the globe, and have a strong reputation to match. More about the methodology >>
Over 4 800 students and doctoral candidates from abroad get education at the University of Warsaw. The university works together with more than 1000 partners from the country and abroad, and 680 institutions from over 100 countries. UW is an active member of international associations engaged in the integration and development of higher education. It also belongs to 100 global research networks, as well as many consortiums set up to carry out research projects.
Besides UW from also Charles University) has been included in the ranking from the region of Central Europe (79th place). Both institutions belong to the 4EU+ Alliance. The 4EU+ mission is to develop a barrier-free and continuously deepening cooperation in education, research, mobility and innovation within the Alliance. Find out more >>
Top five most international universities in the world:
- University of Hong Kong;
- ETH Zurich;
- Chinese University of Hong Kong;
- University of Oxford;
- Imperial College London.
More information on the ranking >>